Jonathan Swift. Портреты английских поэтов и писателей - фото 1 - id-p5994309
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Портреты английских поэтов и писателей Jonathan Swift
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Портрети англійських поетів і письменників Jonathan Swift

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 Портреты английских поэтов и писателей Jonathan Swift пластиковый портрет

Джонатан Свифт (1667— 1745) is a well-known English author of «gulliver's Travels» (1726), which is a masterpiece of comic literature. Swift is called a great satirist because of his ability to ridicule customs, ideas, and actions he considered silly or harmful. Swift was deeply concerned about the welfare and behaviour of the people of his time, especially the welfare of the Irish and the behaviour of the English toward Ireland.

Swift was born in Dublin on November 30, 1667. His parents were English. When Swift graduated from Trinity College in Dublin he moved to England in 1688. From 1689 he was a secretary of the distinguished statesman Sir William Temple.

Храм died in 1699, and in 1700 Swift became pastor of a small parish in Laracor, Ireland. He visited England, conducting church business and winning influential friends at the hignest levels of government. His skill as a writer became widely known.

In 1710, Swift became supporter of the new Tory government of Great Britain. He wrote many articles and pamphlets to defend the policies of Tory. In 1714 George I became king and the Whig Party won control of the government. These changes ended the political power of Swift and his friends in England.

Swift spent the rest of his life — more than 30 years — as dean of St patrick's. It was as that dean Swift wrote «gulliver's Travels» and the satiric pamphlets that increased his fame.

«Gulliver's Travels» is often described as a book that children read with delight, but which adults find serious and disturbing. However, even young readers usually recognize that swift's world sometimes resembles their own world.

«Gulliver's Travels» describes four voyages that Lemuel Gulliver, who was trained as a ship's doctor makes to strange lands. Gulliver first visits the Lilliputians — tiny people whose bodies and surroundings are only 1/12 the size of normal people and things. The Lilliputians treat Gulliver well at first. Gulliver helps them, but after a time they turn against him and he is happy to escape their land.

Gulliver's second voyage takes him to the country of Brobdingnag, where the people are 12 times larger than Gulliver and greatly amused by his puny size.

Gulliver's third voyage takes him to several strange kingdoms. The conduct of the odd people of these countries represents the kinds of foolishness Swift saw in his world.

In his last voyage, Gulliver discovers a land ruled by wise and gentle horses called Houyhnhnms. Savage, stupid animals called Yahoos also live there. The Yahoos look like human beings. Gulliver wishes to stay in the agreeable company of the Houyhnhnms, but they force him to leave.

Some people believe that the ugliness and stupidity of swift's book reflect his view of the world. Other people argue that Swift was a devoted and courageous Christian who could not have denied the existence of goodness and hope.

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Jonathan Swift. Портреты английских поэтов и писателей

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